If you decide to cancel your order before the item(s) has shipped, the cancellation will be processed free of charge. Please note that orders are usually processed within 24 hours and shipped no later than the next business day. If the package is unopened, we will provide a refund minus a restocking fee. Please note returns are accepted within 30 days of purchase.
We do not accept exchanges and only provide replacements for products with manufacturing defects. Please contact us if you believe there are any issues or concerns with your product(s) that may qualify for warranty.
For California residents, in accordance of the new AB 187, Best Price Mattress offers to pick up your discarded mattress at no additional charge. Please contact us at 1-888-963-5569 or support@mellow-home.com to arrange your pick up. For swift support, please have your order number and details ready. Thank you.